Clinical Trials Show Promising Effects of Adipose-Derived Stem Cells in Treating Lymphedema


  • Lymphedema is a condition affecting one in three women who receive treatment for breast cancer. It is characterized by swelling which occurs from the buildup of fluid in the lymph nodes, often bringing lifelong discomfort to those suffering from it. However, a possible treatment has been found by Dr. Jogensen at Odense University Hospital. 
  • This treatment was conducted with adipose-derived regenerative cells to alleviate lymphedema symptoms. This was conducted on ten patients with follow-up periods of 1, 3, 6, 12, and 48 months post-treatment. Stem cells were transferred to their axillary region.
  • While a decrease in the buildup of fluid was not detected, reports of arm tension were reported which shows a positive sign. An overall increase in the quality of life was reported. Moreover, a report of reoccurring breast cancer was not reported in the follow-up periods, which was a positive sign.


  • In this figure, we see a minimal report in the change of arm volume in patients suffering from lymphedema.


  • In these figures, we see in graphs A and C, that arm tension and heaviness were reported to have decreased over the months, while in graph D, the quality of life appears to have increased.


  • The lymphatic system collects and circulates lymph at about three liters a day!
  • A function of your lymphatic system is to clean and remove waste from your body, as it is a crucial part of your body’s immune system 


  • In treating cancer, surgeons remove lymph nodes to perform biopsies in order to determine how far cancer has spread. This is because cancer cells are normally trapped in the lymph nodes. The function of these lymph nodes, as stated in previous slides, is to clean and remove waste from your body. However, when the nodes are removed, lymph flow can be blocked. This is what causes swelling in cancer patients.


Staff, S. (2021, February 18). Phase I clinical trial shows promise of adipose-derived stem cells in treating lymphedema. Retrieved March 19, 2021, from

Lymphedema facts | Seattle Cancer Care Alliance. (n.d.). Seattle Cancer Care Alliance. Retrieved March 18, 2021, from

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